After a certain age, you will start noticing your skin being bless plump and lacking shine ,luster and slight wrinkles,signs of aging and exhaustion starts to take its place. Its highly recommended to start a good anti -wrinkle regime after you are 24 , to keep the years of your face for a longer time. With creams and cosmetics there is always a natural homemade solution available to help you regarding all issues. So,Along with your anti-wrinkle regime you can making this fabulous anti-aging mask for yourself by yourself. The ingredients are really cheap and you will notice the results instantly. It will really help you tone up and add radiance to the skin. Now,coming to the making of the mask
You will need:
1 Tbsp. Sago
5 Tbsp Fresh carrot juice
1 Tbsp. Sour Cream
1 Tbsp. Honey
How to make it:
First dissolve sago in some water and then put it in a pan,after that add around 100 ml of boiled water over it and cook it up on a medium heat until it thickens.Once you see the mixture thickens,take it out over the stove, and cool it down. After it's cooled down, add the carrot juice,sour cream and the honey. Mix everything well to get a smooth mixture. Your mask is ready to be used.Apply this paste on your face and leave it for around 30 minutes .After that wash of the mask with warm water and then apply a light layer of some cream, (oily skins skip this step ). To get the best results out of it, apply this mask three days in a row,and make sure to prepare fresh every time to use it.
This mask will not hydrate your skin, it will also highly beneficial to reduce the signs of aging,exhaustion and wrinkles.Will make your skin tighter,taut,and soft,will add glow to the skin and the elasticity of the skin will improve.
Stay Gorgeous,