Almost every girl wants to look beautiful and getting an enhanced glow on the face is a desire of many. Oatmeal face mask can surely help you get that attraction. Oatmeal is said to be very effective in skin care and especially as a face mask it can work wonders if used in a regular manner.

Benefits of using Oatmeal face mask:
If you are using oatmeal face mask it will help you to get rid of various skin ailments too apart from adding glow:
  • Improves texture of the skin.
  • Helps in treating sunburn.
  • Being anti-inflammatory reduces redness and itchiness from skin.
  • Perfect Face Cleanser as it moisturises, nourishes, cleanses skin. 
  • Opens up closed skin pores. 
  • Prevents acne and blackheads.

Oatmeal Face Mask for Oily Skin

The best aspect of oatmeal is that it is quite inexpensive and most of the time it is available in your homes too. Making a face pack from oatmeal too is very easy.
Just take around 5-6 tablespoon of oatmeal in a bowl and add some water to it in order to make it into a thick paste. If you wish , you can even add milk instead of water to it.
Milk too is very effective in skin whitening and hence can be used. After the fine paste is made, spread it evenly on your face for around 15 minutes. Once it begins to dry just wash with water.
This oatmeal face mask is said to be quite effective for those who have oily skin since it helps to wipe away the excessive oil from the skin thereby leaving it glowy and bright.

Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne Prevention

Oatmeal is said to be good in helping you get rid of acne too, so if you have been suffering acne problem for long and just wondering what to do then oatmeal is certainly meant for you.
Oatmeal facial mask for acne includes the following ingredients which are in fact easily available in your kitchen. You just have to take 5 drops almond oil, juice squeezed from half lemon, egg white and around one teaspoon of oatmeal powder. Just mix all these in a bowl and add some milk to it.
Take care the pack is neither too thick nor too dry. It should be just fine enough to apply on the face and after 15 minutes rinse with cold water. This could be used on every alternate days.

Oatmeal face mask for dry skin
If you are having dry skin then you use oatmeal on your face. It will not just help in exfoliating the skin rather this face mask can even be used as a scrubber too.
As it helps in removing the dead cells from the skin so the skin once more regains back its softness and tenderness too. For making facial mask with oatmeal for dry skin ,just take one ripe banana and smash it finely into a bowl. Now add some ground oatmeal into it.
For making it into a fine paste, just add some milk to it. You can just mix the ingredients with the help of a spoon too and it should turn into a fine paste. Apply on your face and neck and wash off after 15-20 minutes.
Once it starts to dry, you can just wet your hands and slowly rub your hands on your face which will help in removing the dead cells.

Oatmeal face mask for Glowing Skin


Now who doesn’t want a skin which is glowing and shiny and of course blemish free. Oatmeal face mask can just be the problem to all your solutions. All you need is ¼ cup of grounded oatmeal, some water and at least two spoons of honey too. Take a bowl and add oatmeal into it. Add adequate amount of water to it to make it into a fine paste. Then add two teaspoons of honey to it. Just remember that honey is said to be excellent for your skin. It brings shine to the face and makes it smooth too. Apply this paste on your face and wash with lukewarm water after few minutes. Follow this on a routine basis and surely your face will start to show glow.

Want to know some more benefits of oatmeal...CHECK it out HERE...

Until next time
Stay Gorgeous,
Ma'as Salama