Today’s post is going to be of a common issue with most girls or even guys these days. That is hyper pigmentation. This can make up your skin tone look extremely uneven.Source: |
What causes hyper pigmentation?
- According to proved research, exposure to sunlight is the main cause of uneven skin tone. This happens when your over exposed with are skin. It’s not just the sun that can be your skins enemy but also the environment. You would have heard your ancestors rave about how a walk at the beach will make your skin feel replenished. But sadly that’s not the case today. The air is not as clean as it used to be and it’s not going to do any benefit. It’s vital that you wash your face well once your back home after running errands outside.
- Hormonal cycle changes your body around completely. It can make you get acne; give your mood swings and so much more. Hyper pigmentation is just another issue from it. It can also be if you’re pregnant or if you’re under strict birth control pills.
- Picking on your skin can also be another reason, this can be directly connected to acne as picking your acne will treat that area harsh and in turn leave behind a nasty scar that might take ages to go away or might not even go at all
Common Pigmentation Spots
Melasma or chloasma![]() |
- Appears symmetrically on the upper lip, cheekbones and the lower chin in women over 20.
- Triggered by hormonal changes and is worsened by UV exposure.
- There is also a type that occurs only when pregnant or taking birth control pills and some other medications that impact hormones. In this case the discolouration will usually disappear once the pregnancy is over or the person stops taking the drugs.
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- These little spots are inborn and start appearing around the age of three and most prominently around puberty.
- After you hit 30, they remain more or less the same or become a little lighter.
- Their relationship to UV rays is still not clear.
- People with fair skin, red hair, blond hair or blue eyes are more prone to them.
Effective Treatment Depends on the First Cause of Pigmentation
Whether pigmentation can be effectively treated depends on how it is first caused.
What can be treated:
Inborn things like hereditary freckles
- Dark spots caused by melasma and chlorasma
- Hyperpigmentation due to exposure to UV rays
- Hyperpigmentation as a result of scarring, allergic reactions, infections or other irritation with topical skin care.
Inborn things like hereditary freckles
How to treat hyper pigmentation? / Home remedies to treat hyper pigmentation
- Chemical peels: I have done my fair share of research and found out that peels such as glycolic acid and lactic acid helps a lot to reduce the appearance of hyper pigmentation including scars. You might want to get this done by a dermatologist(highly recommended) but if not try the various at home peels but start at a lower concentration. Learn more about chemical peels here.
- Apple cider vinegar: This is a slower process yet it does helps lightening the pigmented areas. It also does great as an overall toner. Other benefits of this treatment are reducing pore size and tightening skin It also has many more beauty uses,you can read more benefits of apple cider vinegar here.
- Sandal wood: this is a famous Indian at home face pack to reduce brown spots, hyper pigmentation and acne scars. A mixture of this with tomato juice and cucumber juice can make your pigmentation get lighter.
- Potato: potato has a natural lightening ingredient that helps leech the skin ever so lightly without harming thus giving you a pigmented free skin tone.
- Although there are many different causes of hyperpigmentation, sun damage is the biggest culprit. The people who used to sunbathe for hours when they were younger are now regretting it, as the results of UV damage, also known as age spots start to appear.