Dry Lips ,dark lips is one of the most common problems, it can be due to many reasons ,dehydration and lack of moisture among the top most reasons.
If you deal with either of these issues the below easy homemade lip balm will be the most helpful thing you have tried on till now. I created this recipe with many trials n errors and trying so many recipes ,I wanted to create the right combination of moisture and lightening ,to achieve the smooth pink lips most women are worried for.Its all natural no chemicals .So, now for the recipe 

  • 1 Tbsp Almond oil
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/4 tsp Vitamin E oil (or 3 punctured, squeezed out liquid vitamin E capsules)
  • 1 Tbsp. Glycerin liquid
  • 1 Tbsp. Aloe Vera Pulp (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp. Lemon juice
  • 1-2 Tbsp Chopped Beetroots
  • 1-2 Chopped strawberries
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp grated Beeswax /Shea butter/Cocoa butter (which ever u can get) (optional)


Take a steel bowl, add in the Honey ,Aloe Vera , Almond oil,Vit E oil,Glycerin, Lemon and mix it in. Now warm the mixture, beeswax and honey over a double broiler. Be sure to warm it on VERY low heat. Stir until the beeswax is completely melted. Once melted add in the chopped beetroots and the strawberries in the liquid and now let it broil for at least 20-30 minutes . You will see with time the whole mixture turns PINK!...After broiling remove from heat ,strain and store in a container and let it set for a few hours.
This balm is really effective just the complete problem solver the almond oil, Vitamin E and Glycerin deals with dryness, lemon juice lightens the lips shade, Aloe Vera adds hydration, while beetroot and strawberry add in the pink hint.
The Aloe Vera,coco powder are optional, beeswax is to bind the whole balm together but if you don't find it you can skip it,you will then get a liquid-y balm instead which will still be as effective.
Use this balm at least 4-5 times a day,and within a month you will see great changes over your lips.
Keep the balm refrigerated as its all natural!

Hope this was helpful,
until next time,Ma'a Salama

Stay Gorgeous,