Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss


Honey and cinnamon has been used it for ages and it works miracles when it comes to weight lost. The best thing about them that not only you’ll lose weight; it also helps to improve the overall health and strengthening the immune system.

Honey is a powerful immune system booster,it also helps to improve the digestive system and helps you fight diseases. Honey is also an amazing source of fibers,iron,calcium, and vitamins such as Vitamin C ,Vitamin B6, Riboflavin.

Cinnamon is a natural anti oxidant and has antimicrobial properties. Cinnamon helps to improve the heart health, regulates blood sugar and can improve the brain functions.Cinnamon also speeds up the metabolism, suppresses appetite ,helps to burn fat hence aids in weight loss.

The combination of these 2 natural products can improve your overall health. Learn what are the health benefits you get from the honey and cinnamon.

How to Make It-

Here’s the honey and cinnamon recipe that can help you lose weight fast and that will help you improve your health:

1 tbsp. organic honey
1 tbsp. organic cinnamon
1 cup of filtered water

Boil 1 cup of filtered water. Add the cinnamon in the cup and let is cool down for 15 minutes. Add the honey and mix it well.

When to drink the mixture to get good results?

1. Early in the morning

A good start of your day is really important when you’re trying to lose weight. Drink the mixture when you wake up. Wait for 30 minutes before you eat your breakfast.

Honey and cinnamon in the morning will help you boost your metabolism, digestive system and your energy level.

2. Between 2 Meals

Instead of snacking unhealthy foods, drink the honey and cinnamon mixture. The cinnamon will help you lower your blood sugar levels, that way you’ll not feel hunger.

3. Before Bedtime

Honey is a great substitute when you have cravings for something sweet. The cinnamon will help your digestive system resets itself during the night. Drink the mixture before going to bed, to avoid eating sweets and junk food. Honey will also help you sleep better.

Have you tried it before?Do you have any other remedies for aiding weight loss?
Do share...
Until Next time
Ma'as Salama

Stay Gorgeous,
