Green Tea and Honey Mask for Acne

Today ,Im sharing a homemade mask for treating acne and calming

If you have been to a skin store recently you may have noticed an increase in the amount of green tea in skin care products. There is a reason for that: green tea helps protect your skin against cancer by protecting against sun damage. It does this by reducing inflammation and free radicals,this natural leaf helps with the elasticity of skin. Not bad for a chemical and side effect-free remedy for skin! By the way, drinking it daily can also yield similar health benefits for your body and skin.

Another blessing from nature for skin is Honey,It naturally has moisture retention properties, which is great for people with dry skin. Honey also has anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties. This helps remove the acne causing bacteria from your skin and helps prevent and heal small scars.
Combined with green tea, this home remedy for acne acts as a one, two punch for removing acne, brightening your skin, and helping protect against cancer. Read on to find out how to make the green tea and honey mask for acne.


  • Green tea 1-2 teabags 
  • Honey 1-2 tablespoons
  • Yogurt 1-2 tablespoons
  • Rose water as u need


Step 1: Steep the green tea bag in hot water for a minute to two minutes.

Step 2: After it has been satisfactorily steeped, get a bowl and cut open the tea bag to let the tea leaves fall out.

Step 3: Mix the honey in to the bowl of green tea leaves and mix together to form a paste with a fork or spoon.

Step 4: Using your clean fingertips, massage the sticky paste over your face until all areas of are covered. Be careful to stay away from your eye area!

Step 5: Keep this on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

Make sure you use a toner to close up your pores after you are done washing your face. Moisturize as usual.

You can use this mask once to twice a week, depending on the state of your skin. After this, you can look forward to smoother, tighter, and healthier skin! Enjoy!
Until next time
Stay Gorgeous,
Ma'as Salama